With Deep Learning AI
Audio Library and Production Base Station
Current version 6.0.6 (tested on Apple Silicon)
AudioFinder is the OS X standard in audio
asset management systems, & music
production hub
AudioFinder can build a catalog of every sound on your system, save it, and search it instantly to find the sounds you need when you need them. Use AudioFinder to create custom sets for sound categories and specific projects, with fast file browsing to audition, analyze, process, convert, and move or copy the samples in your library. AudioFinder features the ability to add Metadata to your library of sounds, making it simple and easy to find the sounds you're looking for when you need it.
AudioFinder can visualize sounds instantly with the waveform overview and preview them at any pitch via MIDI or the built in keyboard, all in real-time. Sounds can even be previewed through your favorite AudioUnits. Speaking of Plug-Ins, AudioFinder features an advanced Plug-In manager and slew of other studio necessities that will make your workflow flow. Necessities like audio editing with built-in beat detection and tools for fast trimming, fading, slicing and dicing your sounds. You can even convert your audio sample CDs into individual files with just a few clicks of the mouse.
AudioCortex 2.0 now features an innovative sound design tool for instantly combining and stacking sounds backed by AI.


“With pitch detection, BPM calculation and MIDI triggering too, AudioFinder is the missing link in your audio-production chain.”
“This is a superb program that stands out as an essential purchase for Mac musos.”
“We had some fine choices this year, but when the dust settled, the nod went to Iced Audio’s AudioFinder, a Mac OS X jack-of-all-trades utility that takes the grind out of managing your audio files. AudioFinder automates and simplifies so many tedious tasks, it’s hard to know where to start.”
“With pitch detection, BPM calculation and MIDI triggering too, AudioFinder is the missing link in your audio-production chain.”
“This is a superb program that stands out as an essential purchase for Mac musos.”
- The Glitch Mob
- Richard Devine
- Groove Quantize
- Andy Martin - Sound Designer
- Fork Media - film post-production sound studio based in Hong Kong
- Paul Haslinger
- Len Sasso
- ScrewMaker Music
- Jafbox Sound
- Surround SFX
- Mark Hessburg
- Combovaria Music Production & Sound Design.
- Watkins Film School - Scott W. Hallgren (composer/sound editor)
- BT Brian Transeau
- Damian Candusso (The Lego Movie)
- Johnnyrandom (BBC, ORHA magazine, Radio New Zealand, NPR, Wired Magazine, Apogee, Gizmodo, Mashable, Boing Boing and more...)
- SoundBits (Sounddesign | SoundFX)
- Loris 'Kooza' Venegoni (producer based in Milan, Contemporary Writing & Production Diploma in CPM)
- Smart Post Sound - Matthew Kallen
- Clinton Bradley - programmer for Nine Inch Nails, done remixes Fall Out Boy, Shinedown, and Armor for Sleep for the Transformers movie, wrote and performed one of the 1996 Olympics theme songs, and am half of the producer / remix team FreqMachine - and a whole lot more.
- "Audio Finder has been my right-hand man (on my right hand monitor) for every film and television series that I’ve scored over the last 10 years. It has the speed, the tools, the look, and flow that a professional music app should have. My sounds would be lost in a sea of digital entropy without it -
Email to be added to the list.