
Archive for the ‘Usage Tips’ Category

Pro Tools Elastic Audio Spotting Tip

October 4th, 2009

Pro Tools doesn’t support spotting to tracks with elastic audio enabled.

If you see this dialog, do the following:

Here’s the work around:

1. Click on Polyphnc

2. Select “None – Disable Elastic Audio”

3. Your track will now look like this:

Now AudioFinder will spot in the track. Once you’re done, then re-enable elastic audio if needed.

Usage Tips

Folders AudioFinder will ignore

April 27th, 2009

Part of the improvements in 4.9 is to keep AudioFinder from scanning folders with files that could crash it. Folders that are owned by the group “wheel” are skipped. 99% of the time folders own by the group “wheel” are only full of Unix binaries. However, one exception is /Users/Shared

If you notice AudioFinder won’t show a particular folder, it could possibly be owned by “wheel”

To change the owner launch and type:

sudo chown :staff /Users/Shared/

It will ask for your password, type it in.

That’s it. AF will now look in there. If you have other folders, simply modify the example above for them as well. The reverse is also true, if you want to exclude a folder from AudioFinder assign it group owner “wheel”

Usage Tips

4.9.1’s Miniview Feature

April 18th, 2009

AudioFinder 4.9.1 introduces the Miniview Feature. A Miniview is a thumbnail icon of what the sound’s waveform looks like. It is placed next to the file name of each sound in the list.

Why is this useful? Imagine you have three sounds that have names that don’t describe the file, for instance “audio1.aiff”, “sound.aiff” and “track32.aiff”

By looking at the Miniview one can ascertain information about the file.

For example the following Miniview is a 808 Kick Drum:

Here is a synth pad sound:

Finally, here is a loop file, notice the impulse pattern, this is distinctively a visual characteristic of a loop:

With practice one can learn to intuit a lot of info about a sound simply by looking the waveform. Looking is faster than listening.

Usage Tips

Files in 4.9

April 5th, 2009

Versoin 4.9 no longer shows the hidden Unix files like all the previous versions.

Version 4.9

Version 4.8.4

Usage Tips

Create Instant Folder Hierarchies

March 17th, 2009

AudioFinder 4.8.5 features the Template Folder panel (found in the Windows menu)
Template Folders make it fast and easy to create a bunch of folders.

Folders can be nested and as deep as you like. You can save and load templates.

Here is example:


Clicking the create button creates the following folder structure for you:

Use this to create folders for specific sounds (Drums, Bass, Stynth …)

Use for your music projects to make them standardized, more organized and easier to work with.

Usage Tips

Auto Serialize

March 16th, 2009

What does the Auto Serialize Preference do?


If you are creating a new file and the name is already in use Auto Serialize will create another file with the first available number.

For example: myfile.aiff
becomes: myfile 0001.aif or myfile 0002.aiff and so on…

Usage Tips

Play more than one sound at a time

March 15th, 2009

Want to combine sounds on the fly to see how they work together? AudioFinder can easily play a stack of sounds.


1. Open all the sounds you want to play into Sample Tool windows.
2. While holding down the Option key, click the Play button.
3. All the sounds will play at the same time.
4. To stop them, simply hold down the Option key and click the Stop button.

Whenever the Option is pressed it links all Play/Stop buttons.

Usage Tips

Loading EXS files in Logic 8

March 13th, 2009

1. In Logic create a track with an EXS sampler instrument in it.
2. Double click the EXS Sampler instrument in the mixer and open it for editing.
3. Click the “Edit” button the EXS Sampler Instrument. A new dialog opens up with new menus. This dialog has a keyboard in it and is where you load stuff.
4. Click the “Instrument” popup button menu.
5. Selection “Open”

Usage Tips

Scanning Network Drives

March 12th, 2009

By default AudioFinder ignores networks devices because it could potentially spend a long time crawling over network volumes. To enable scanning network devices see the following Preference:


Usage Tips

Creating Instant Clips

March 11th, 2009


To create and drag a clip from a waveform to any application instantly, first make a selection and then while holding down the Control key start dragging. Once you see the drag icon you can release the Control key.

Additionally if you have a selection you can use the Export Selection menu item from the Process Menu.


Usage Tips